Egypt used the Greeks to distract the Persians and in the process triggered the birth of what we call civilisation.
The Disaster

Greek potential

Racial Differences

For a long period they did not have a single language. Athens and Sparta grew to prominence by subjugating neighbouring city states. The Greek “Nation” therefore grew from a large number of relatively small city states. This initial graphic was deliberately chosen to show just how complex it was. The Greek peninsula was very mountainous. The City States thrived in valleys and plains separated from each other by mountains.
Homer’s Gods

The rise of Athens

Eventually alliances were formalised as “Leagues.” The Ionian league was headed by Athens but covered little of mainland Greece, being mainly concerned with the islands and coastal areas of the Agean sea .
A fragmented structure
The Thessalian League covered the eastern part of the mainland. Sparta itself was the leading state in the Peloponnesian League and the later Achean League. Macedonia and Epirus were much closer to the modern concept of a nation. The Macedonians were Dorians, the same race as the Spartans but Epirus was Illirican. These two states lay beyond the area involved in the leagues and interstate politics. Both the leagues were opposed to Macedonian ambitions for expansion.
It was this fragmented structure which Egypt chose to pursue its interests.
The Egyptians must have been desperate. They were seeking alliances with peoples whose ethical standards were appalling. Athens was an example of how democracy can go badly wrong. Only the establishment contributed to political discussion, women were disenfranchised and discriminated against and the economy was based on the use of slave labour. The learned discourse on the organisation of the state, which we so admire today, never seriously challenged these injustices. In Sparta the final stage of a man’s education was that he should strangle a slave. The unfortunate citizens of competitive city states were reduced to this permanent slave status. A Sparta declared war on their own slaves every year as a way of justifying this brutal treatment. Spartan men never performed any productive work. All farming and industrial activity was consigned to the slaves.
Sexual Discrimination

It would appear that they chose Miletus.
Why Miletus?

Despite this, the first identification of inspired Philosopy, Science and Mathematics in Greek society came from a person called Thales who lived Miletus. Thales was an immigrant ” from the east” and was said to have recieved instuction from Egyptian priests and visited Egypt. He expounded theories on the occurence of natural phenomema, which excluded the will of the gods, therby undermining the status of Homer’s Gods. In 500 BC he took part in an attempted invasion of Persia and when that failed negotiated independance for Miletus and its colonies when the rest of the Greek city states in Anatolia were taken over by Persia. He may then have performed a role in the government of Milates. He did much of what might be expected of an Egyptian agent.
It was from Miletus that events unfolded which ultimately changed the history of the western world , amazingly one of the chief agents of change was a woman.