The Atlantic Seaboard
IGENEA identified Tutankhamun’s DNA as R1b1a2 (short Name M269)
This is a sub clade of R1b and an examination of R1b distribution gives surprising results. It is the Atlantic Seaboard which is dominated by R1b and the major sub clade supporting that domination is R1b1a2. A popular display of the data is by haplogroup concentrations marked up as isoclines on a map.

The key issue is in the Pyrenean counties. Catalonia, Arnagnac, Bearn, Aquitaine, Navarre, Leon and Asturias have all dominant R1b DNA.
The emergent state of Occitan fell within this area. Tabular presentations give the facility to show the actual results of studies in more detail. From such maps and tables it can be clearly seen that R1 and particularly R1b dominates along the Atlantic Seaboard.
The Basque Anomaly
It is the presence of the same Haplogroup in both Celtic and Basque areas which raises enormous difficulties. The Celtic languages are Indo-European but the language of the Basques which once covered all of the southern part of this geographical area is non Indo-European. Occitan languages which succeeded Basque are also considered to be Indo-European.If the Basques are at very centre of this enigma then consider this intriguing fact. The closest language to the Basque language is Ainu, the aboriginal Japanese language. This conclusion is drawn from the very same comparison of words and structure which lead to the identification of Indo-European group of languages with Sanscrit.
The distribution of R1b1a2 is today almost identical to the overall R1b distribution. In Egypt today R1b1a2 is rare. A consensus of Opinion is that the R1bia2 group and subsequent mutations arose in the Eastern Mediterranean, migrated to the Pyrenees and from there spread up and down the Atlantic coast from North Africa to the Orkneys. The unanswered questions are when? how? and why?And How could Egypt have been involved?
Naming Anomalies
The geneticists do not make it easy for outsiders to follow their deliberations. As an example of how complex the naming conventions might be:-
From 2003 to 2005 what is now R1b1a2 was designated R1b3.
From 2005 to 2008 it was R1b1c.
From 2008 to 2011 it was R1b1b2.
Every one of these changes in turn changed the Y-DNA Hierachy.
Regardless of naming conventions, how can today’s Haplogroup concentrations be explained?
Natural Selection

If there is a very large majority of people in any area carrying a specific X or Y Chromosome then statistically, if there are no other factors at work there well eventually be only the dominant Y and X chromosomes remaining.
Suppose however the Y pool is diluted by invasion and/or by trading relationships, tourism or cultural interaction. If there is a change in power, wealth or influence as a result of any of these effects, a different Y Haplogroup group may from small beginnings grow quite quickly.
The Mating Game

At this point I detect that I am sliding away from fact and towards opinion. I will therefore move to topics which clearly are opinion, both my own and that propagated by others.