Hitler’s theories
In the east there is the basis of another great controversy. Hitler’s theory on the origins of the Aryan race was that there was an migration eastward followed by a return migration westward.
In a way of course both migrations took place but not quite the way Hitler imagined it.
The key to the corridor between the Himalayan mountains and the Indian ocean, the Indus civilisation was the emergence of the R2 haplagroup.
R2 in India
This shows the distribution of R2 in India. The group is concentrated in the far west. It is possible that there was an alternate source of P and P2 then spread to the North West to Packistan (Indus) Persia and Arabia. this would not explain the residual P in Pakistan and nowhere else.This shows the distribution of R2 in India. The group is concentrated in the far east.
It is possible that there was an alternate source of P and P2 then spread to the North West to Pakistan (Indus), Persia and Arabia, but this is unlikely. It would not explain the residual P in Pakistan and nowhere else.
What is much more likely is that R2 spread southwards to the whole of the indian sub -continent but was then displaced from the north west.
Not The Ayrian race
There is a substantial amount of R1a in North and North West India and Pakistan. The R1a peoples could have displaced the R2 or R1a could have originated here before moving north to mesopotamia. This is a classic example of where the scientific argument seems to be less important than various political agenda’s. Is the prescence of R1a evidence of an Aryian invasion or is it evidence that a major force in the euopean civilization stated here in India? One thing for sure is that the Ayrians we are talking about were not part of the blond haired, blue eyed nordic race of Hitlers imagination . The Nordic peoples belong predominently to haplogroup I and there is absolutely no evidence they came anywhere near India!
Ignroring any concepts of political correctness and taking both R2 ( only discovered in 2010) and R1a diagrams into account it would appear that both R2 and R1a groups came into India not the other way round.There is a substantial amount of R1a in North and North West India and Pakistan. The R1a peoples could have displaced the R2 or R1a could have originated here before moving north to mesopotamia. This is a classic example of where the scientific argument seems to be less important than various political agenda’s. Is the presence of R1a evidence of an Aryian invasion or is it evidence that a major force in the European civilization stated here in India?
One thing for sure is that the Ayrians we are talking about were not part of the blond haired, blue eyed nordic race of Hitlers imagination. The Nordic peoples belong predominatly to haplogroup I and there is absolutely no evidence they came anywhere near India!
Ignoring any concepts of political correctness and taking both R2 ( only discovered in 2010) and R1a diagrams into account it would appear that both R2 and R1a groups came into India not the other way round.
Persia now calls itself Iran. Apparently Adolph Hitler persuaded then to change there name. Iran is the persian variant for Ayrian which in their official language means "Noble People".
Perhaps Hitler wanted them to be the personification of his noble Ayrian Race.
Persia arose from the early Mesopotamian civilisations and was in any case at the interface of the Mesopotamia and Indus Civilisations.
It has great diversity in it's genetic structure including both R1a and R1b. It is the furthest South or East that haplagroup I, the Nordic Haplagroup can be found.
For a substantial periods Persia was in control of Egypt and its rulers intermarried with Egypt’s rulers. It was perhaps only when Alexander the Great, a Macedonian, defeated Persia that Egypt was freed from Persian Pressure.
There is residual P and Q and surprisingly K and O, the Oriental and Oceanic haplogroups.
Iran has been a melting pot.Persia now calls itself Iran. Apparently Adolph Hitler persuaded then to change there name. Iran is the Persian variant for Ayrian which in their official language means “Noble People”.
Perhaps Hitler wanted them to be the personification of his noble Ayrian Race.
Persia arose from the early Mesopotamian civilisations and was in any case at the interface of the Mesopotamia and Indus Civilisations.
It has great diversity in it’s genetic structure including both R1a and R1b. It is the furthest South or East that haplagroup I, the Nordic Haplagroup can be found.
For a substantial periods Persia was in control of Egypt and its rulers intermarried with Egypt’s rulers. It was perhaps only when Alexander the Great, a Macedonian, defeated Persia that Egypt was freed from Persian Pressure.
There is residual P and Q and surprisingly K and O, the Oriental and Oceanic haplogroups.
Iran has been a melting pot.
Iranian Diversity
Its peoples still speak a staggering array of languages, which is probably a sign of the tolerance and sophistication of it’s governing class at a crucial point in human history.Its peoples still speak a staggering array of languages, which is probably a sign of the tolerance and sophistication of it’s governing class at a crucial point in human history.
However Persia despite the current islamic regime has great diversity of race and religion. diversity in Haplogoups has been maintained by taboos on intermarriage between different ethnoreligeous groups.Iran still has has great diversity of race and religion. Diversity in Haplogoups has been maintained by taboos on intermarriage between different ethno-religeous groups.