The various investigations into the source of Sauniers wealth received a sudden boost from the involvement of Henry Lincoln. Here he is seen in Jean Luc Robin’s restaurant which used to be called “The Blue Apples” but is now known as “Le Jardin de Marie”, presumably after Saunier’s housekeeper. Jean Luc himself was accused of inventing many of the stories about Rennes le Château to encourage people to visit the village and therefore drum up business for the restaurant. Sadly Jean Luc died in 2008.
The various investigations into the source of Sauniers wealth received a sudden boost from the involvement of Henry Lincoln. Here he is seen in Jean Luc Robin’s restaurant which used to be called “The Blue Apples” but is now known as “Le Jardin de Marie”, presumably after Saunier’s housekeeper. Jean Luc himself was accused of inventing many of the stories about Rennes le Château to encourage people to visit the village and therefore drum up business for the restaurant. Sadly Jean Luc died in 2008.
Sacred Geometry

He might have been inspired by the fact that one valley on the plain is identified on the French ordinance survey map(IGN) as La Val Dieu, the valley of God.Lincoln was an actor turned scriptwriter who wrote early episodes of the UK TV series “Dr Who”. Whilst on holiday local to Rennes read the book “Le Trésor Maudit” by Géraude de Sède, which explored the various legends about Sauniers wealth.
The documents

In Lincoln’s own words he had finished reading the book and was retrospectively scanning the documents when he noticed that some letters were marginally raised above others. The documents were written in Latin.
Lincoln apparently needed to use a ruler to identify all the raised letters.

“a dagobert II roi est ce tresor et il est la mort”
The best translation of this into english is probably “King Dagobert II has this treasure and it is death” which is not particularly helpful, but it was enough to grab Lincoln’s attention.
What it did do was demand an enquiry into the identity of King Dagobert II. Did such a King exist? What was his story?
The Triangle

The alignments came from the tiny triangle at the top of the document and three crosses (marked in yellow).
The pentangle

In preparation for the programmes Lincoln studied every factor of the gravestones and copies of parchments. Even at this early stage he came to the conclusion that the treasure was something which undermined orthodox Christian beliefs. He speculated on the fact that it could be a genealogy which showed the Jesus had children, that identified Jesus’ burial place, thereby proving that the new testament stories were false or that Jesus never existed, a theme which has been picked up by many others.

Far more interesting are the inscriptions down the side of the stone. If the greek letters are replaced by their latin equivalents the message becomes Et in a✠rkad✠ia ego. Again there was no mention of the meaning of the crosses even though crosses played such a big part in the analysis of the first document. To me it is significant that the crosses are in a similar location to two of the crosses on the document and suggests that full account should be taken of these two crosses.
“Et in Arcaia Ego” is the title of a famous painting by Nicholas Poussin, a possession of the French royal family and a copy of which had been purchased by Saunier during his trip to Paris.
Gerade De Sade

It has never been firmly established whether or not this organisation does in fact exist and if so so what its objectives might be.
The activities of de Séde and his associate Pierre Plantard have complicated the story ever since and Plantard ultimately was discredited by a French government investigation which declared everything he was associated with as fraudulent. Obliquely this condemnation included the “Saunier” documents and everything de Séde wrote about Rennes le Château This has ultimately reflected on the credibility of Henry Lincoln’s work.