‘As I see it, you put your whole career, possibly your life, in jeopardy to protect a young girl. I am glad it is you who will be guarding me, and my granddaughter Ximene over the next few days. I would have no other!’
John Stanley-5th June 1355
However, as they got closer, it could be seen that around the tower, there was a fortification which contained stables, barns and accommodation for servants, guards, artisans and farm labourers.
The Earl dismounted and walked up a semicircular flight of steps towards a massive but graceful arch giving entry to the tower. He signalled John and Piers to follow him.
The arch’s heavy doors opened wide and they were greeted by a very large man who they quickly learned was the constable of the castle, Payne de Roet himself. ‘I have been expecting you,’ he said. ‘The activity behind you,’ he indicated several pack horses and a cart being loaded with a variety of domestic accoutrements, ‘represents Milady’s preparations to join you. Your return trip will, I think, take a little longer than your journey here!’
As they passed through the entrance, they found themselves in a huge hall in which several rows of pillars supported a roof which appeared to be solid stone fabricated into graceful archways. Payne explained that the castle had been constructed by the Holy Roman Emperor Fredrick II as a gift to the Comtes of Comminges and had recently been given to King Edward as a gesture of loyalty.
Down the stairs from the upper floor, holding hands almost as if they were dancing, came an elegant couple.
Payne turned on cue. ‘Ah, here is Lady Eleanor now.’
John stood transfixed. The man he recognised as the Seigneur of Clermont who had awarded him the prize at the archery contest. The lady he recognised as the mistress of ceremonies from the Festival of the Moon! John glanced at Piers and saw from the astonishment on his face that he also struggled to make sense of it.
John’s mind was in a whirl. So this was Lady Eleanor, Ximene’s grandmother who was also the mistress of ceremonies at the Festival of the Moon. Inevitably he wondered whether it meant that Ximene herself took part in similar ceremonies; a thought he dismissed, at least temporarily, to concentrate on the task in hand.
The Earl made the introductions. ‘May I present Prince Edward’s personal bodyguards, members of the Lions of Aquitaine.’ Both Guillam and Lady Eleanor nodded. Lady Eleanor said how honoured she was to have such a prestigious escort.The Earl apologised that he would not accompany her back to the camp immediately as there were some issues at Beaufort he needed to deal with.
‘Yes I do understand, in fact, Guillam also has some unfinished business here at Beaufort, so, for the time being, I will travel to your camp alone. It causes me no concern. I am sure I will be in safe hands.’ She smiled at John and Piers to let them know that she was talking about them. She then addressed them directly. ‘There have been heavy mists the last few nights due to the cold air rolling north from the mountains. We should move soon so that we are settled before the mist descends.’
For a while, Eleanor led the small procession. John took the opportunity to have a whispered conversation with Piers. ‘Why is the Earl staying here?’
Piers chuckled. ‘To avoid sleeping in a tent?’
‘Surely not. What is he up to? And why didn’t he tell us? Sometimes I believe he is still testing us.’
Just at that moment, Lady Eleanor dropped back to position herself alongside John. ‘So, tell me, young man, how is it possible to rise to be to a member of the Prince’s bodyguard in just a few days? I cannot believe it was because you won an archery contest in a remote village?’
‘No my lady, it is a long story but I am very pleased to be able to serve the Prince in this way.’
Piers blushed and rode ahead. Lady Eleanor watched him go.
‘What a nice, sensitive young man. He understood that I needed to talk to you.’ John was conscious of Eleanor gazing at him. ‘We are progressing at a walk,’ she said, ‘mainly because of the possessions I feel necessary to make life in a tent more comfortable. We have at least an hour to talk, so even if it is a very long story there is no need to concern yourself, start at the beginning.’
And so John told Eleanor the events at Moissac, giving her all the detail he remembered.
‘So you risked everything to rescue a young woman in distress.’
John was unsure whether it was a statement or a question. ‘I only tried to enforce the standards which the Captal de Buch and the Earl of Salisbury had explained to us,’ he replied.
‘It is one thing to wish to comply with a set of standards which have been explained to you, but quite a different thing to put those standards ahead of your own safety. As I see it you put your whole career, possibly your life, in jeopardy to protect a young girl. I am glad it is you who will be guarding me, and my granddaughter Ximene over the next few days. I would have no other!’
John’s heart suddenly leapt in anticipation. He would be guarding Ximene! But where was she?
Upon arrival, the Captal took Lady Eleanor to meet the Prince. A short time later she returned, accompanied by the Earl. His stay at Beaufort had evidently been a short one.
The Earl pulled the two Lions to one side. ‘Heerumph. The Prince has decided that you will act as bodyguards to Lady Eleanor and Lady Ximene whilst they are within our camp. Take that literally. You will be expected if necessary to give up your lives to protect them whilst they are under our… your care. You will position the tents for the Lady’s Eleanor and Ximene close to the river bank. You should position your own tents close at hand. The Comte de Foix is very anxious about Lady Ximene’s safety and will send some of his own guards to secure the perimeter of their location, but you will stay inside that perimeter. However, help will never be far away. Our own force will then surround the Comte’s guards. Hopefully, there will be no incidents, and we will all feel comfortable and secure.’ He looked over at Lady Eleanor. ‘See they want for nothing,’ he hissed under his breath and then more loudly, ‘This way my lady, a tent is being prepared for you. I am assigning the Prince’s personal bodyguards who escorted you from Beaufort to continue in your service.’
Lady Eleanor smiled warmly at the Earl and kissed him on both cheeks, taking rather longer over it than convention demanded.
John and Piers busied themselves working alongside Lady Eleanor’s servants unloading chairs, cushions, tables and even rugs from the cart.
It was now dusk. John went on a search for fresh rushes with which to stuff the mattresses. Piers had been busy on his own account. He had managed to find half a dozen torches which he positioned in a circle around the tent and an assortment of candles to illuminate the inside of the tent.
Lady Eleanor arranged and rearranged the positioning of the furniture, eventually creating within the tent separate living and sleeping areas. Finally, she stood in the middle of the living area with a broad smile on her face. ‘Thank you,’ she said, ‘this is very pleasant.’
Outside, just as she had predicted, a mist was rolling in and the light from the torches created the illusion of rays of light penetrating the mist. John raised his head as he heard the whinny of a protesting horse. He walked to the door of the tent. Suddenly there was a thunder of hooves and a dozen of the Comte de Foix’s soldiers arrived to take up their positions.
Then, as if carefully planned, a grey horse appeared through the mist, illuminated by the glimmering shafts of light from the torches. The rider was wearing a full-length cloak and hood, very similar to those which had been used at Clermont. The horse reared and thrashed the air with its hooves, unhappy at being halted. The rider settled the horse effortlessly and slipped from the saddle, handing the reins to one of the guards. The hood was pulled back, revealing the rider to be female.
She strode purposefully towards the tent. As she walked, the light from one of the torches was immediately behind her. She was framed by light. She swung her hips as she walked so that each foot was placed immediately in front of the other. The cloak responded by swaying from side to side as if in slow motion. As the cloak moved, there were glimpses of what lay beneath. Boots and hose! This lady dressed like a man! Finally, as she drew close to Lady Eleanor’s tent the flares around the tent illuminated her face.
Lady Eleanor’s smile grew broader.
‘Ah,’ she said. ‘Ximene has arrived.’