Payne de Roet
Payne de Roet– Guyenne King of Arms–Constable of Beaufort Castle (near Muret)
it is not really known where Beaufort castle actually was and most people guess it was either in Holland (Hainhaut) or Champagne .
However he was described as Guyenne King of Arms and there is no doubt where Guyenne —is it is Gascony , possibly the whole of Aquitaine. There was a quite famous Beaufort Castle at Beaufort near Muret, which suits the story very well,
Catherine de Roet (nee d’Avesnes)
Again the identity of Catherine ,wife of Payne is not known but there is strong circumstatial evidence that she was the sister of Queen Phillipa. This could help explain the various influential postings of her husband.
Phillipa de Roet (Pipa)
Eldest daughter of Payne. Best friend of Ximene, Falls in love with John. Fate determines that she should become A gatherer of information— first about the Frankish royal family, then Lionel of Antwerp and finally John of Gaunt. She becomes John of Gaunt’s mistress but never looses her affection for John Stanley. (See “close involvement” for more information.)