‘ He is courageous, more than competent as a soldier and has a strong sense of loyalty. Most importantly, he is acceptable both to Ximene and to her grandmother.’
William de Montacute – 6th June 1355
He frowned. ‘My father will be furious. To him, it all sounded so easy. The Pope wanted to control Ximene. He decided marriage to me was the best way to exert his control. In return, he would help us expand our empire. That gave him the additional benefit of creating a third force to help him control the Franks and the Holy Roman Empire.’
William blinked. ‘You have never before, put it in those terms. It makes it a strategic initiative.’
‘My father is committed to the marriage. He asked me to come here not so much to meet Ximene but to remove her to Bordeaux if we had any difficulties in the negotiations. It was expected that the difficulty would be with the Comte, not with Ximene herself. He would expect me to prevent Ximene from running away. He would expect me to snatch Ximene away right now, and ride hell for leather for Bordeaux.’
‘That is still a possible solution. In many ways, it is the simplest solution.’ The Earl considered the options. ‘You have the Château at Beaufort. The Comte de Comminges might help? There are others I could call on. I could make the arrangements tomorrow. Ximene could be in Bordeaux by the end of the week.’ He paused, deciding to test the Prince’s resolve. ‘But it would not, I think, support our objective of allowing you to marry Joan.’
‘No and in any case, as a statesman, I have never liked the idea of snatching Ximene away. The Comte de Foix is also the Comte de Bearn and is my liegeman for his lands in Bearn. I am, as part of that agreement, supposed to protect his interests.’
‘It need not involve you.’
The Prince eyed his friend and smiled.‘ Semantics, William, semantics. Of course, I would be involved.’
The Earl returned the smile. It was not often the Prince delayed long enough to think as a statesman. This was chivalry in action. ‘So…’
‘So now you have worked one of your little miracles. Now she wants to take the initiative and escape, which compromises nothing. William, how much of all this is your doing?’
‘It has nothing to do with me. I will be able to say quite truthfully, to your father, if necessary, that it was totally Ximene’s initiative.
‘I will be able to marry Joan?’
‘Not my decision, but if Joan has interpreted her agreement with Queen Philippa correctly, yes.’
‘How can we retain control, could this still work if she went willingly to Bordeaux’?
‘No. and we don’t really want control. She wishes to escape all political influences whilst she negotiates her position. She intends to go to Sicily, where her family has property. Her action will make it easier to explain it to your father. In the longer term, it will make it possible for you to marry Joan. However, I do think we have a duty of care towards Ximene.’
‘And you have managed to convince Ximene that John Stanley could travel with her, look after her interests and provide a potential conduit for further negotiations. Why him?’
‘I am working with what we have got.’ He shook his head. ‘No that is unfair. He is courageous, more than competent as a soldier and has a strong sense of loyalty. Most importantly, he is acceptable both to Ximene and to her grandmother.’
‘And that is because?’ The Prince paused. ‘They hardly know him.’
‘Why do we both love Joan?’
‘She is unique: brave, generous, loving, loyal, inspiring.’
‘John Stanley?’
‘The male equivalent, or at least the embryo equivalent. Even I feel it… occasionally.’
‘But how will we explain John Stanley’s role to the outside world?’
‘In the short term, we can’t, we don’t want to. He will be implicated in the escape. It will seem to be his initiative. To preserve the image we want to present to your father we will disown him. Perhaps to preserve the illusion we will declare him to be an outlaw. Ximene herself may find her reputation tarnished by her association with John. That will help in convincing your father that you should not marry her. Eventually, because we all know what actually happened, he can be reinstated and your relationship with Ximene re-established as a political, not a marriage partner.’
The Prince nodded. ‘Does John or indeed Ximene know all this?’
‘No, I don’t think it is something they need to know… yet.’
‘Thank you, William, I will leave it in your very capable hands.’