‘There are no guards. No one to watch us. We could ride to Beaufort now and hide there until this Don Fernandino arrives. No one would know. We could hide there in complete safety.’
Ximene Trencavel – 6th June 1355
As John made the adjustments he glanced up looking somewhat doubtful. ‘I am pleased to be riding with you Ximene, but I too have a minor task. I have been asked by the Prince to survey the deer tracks to see if I can locate where the deer are most likely to rest and where they are most likely to run.’
Ximene reined in Selene. ‘Oh! so now you have suddenly become an expert in hunting… to add to all your other skills.’
John turned Helios around and came alongside Ximene. ‘Well, as a matter of fact, I probably know more about deer than any other single subject. I am the son of a forester and for over two years I managed the deer in one of the King’s forests.’
‘Really? That is not just a story?’
‘Do you honestly believe I would tell you, especially you, an untruth? It is how I met the Prince.’ He hesitated. ‘It is a story about hunting so it is appropriate to tell it now.’ John gave Ximene a summary of the hunt at Vale Royal. He minimised his own role but nevertheless told it from his own point of view.’ He cocked his head and smiled. ‘Ask the Prince if you don’t believe me.’
Ximene was so surprised that she struggled to respond. This young man had known the Prince since before his service in the army. No wonder he had progressed so quickly. Clearly, he had closer ties to the Prince than she had suspected. It caused a need for a complete re-evaluation of his role. ‘John this changes everything. My grandmother believed that you might be one of Joan of Kent’s conquests or alternatively a relative of the Earl of Salisbury. Either way, she thought you had what she calls good connections. She never suspected that your connection was with the Prince himself. Why didn’t you tell me this before?’
John’s smile deepened. ‘I did not believe it was something you needed to know and I think you are placing too much importance on what was a chance event.’
Once John had made the adjustments, Ximene pulled Selene around, slapped her rump and gave her free rein. Over her shoulder, she saw Helios now running at close to his full capacity. John’s body was in the position she’d suggested, but he did not look right. She reined Selene in and dropped back to ride alongside John. ‘Are you alright?’ she shouted.
‘Well, sort of. I have never ridden a horse that moves so fast!’
Ximene again pulled Selene around and urged her back towards the camp but she bypassed the camp, taking instead the track towards Beaufort.
John pointed to several deer trails which crossed the main track. When they reached a clearing, he rode around in circles and then followed several of the trails through woodland and across meadows. He spent longer than Ximene expected, but she could not fail to be impressed by John’s systematic approach. Several times he dismounted to get a closer view of the tracks, almost always at points where two tracks crossed.
They progressed to higher ground, John signalled for Ximene to dismount. They progressed carefully to the crest of a hill, covering the last few feet in a crawl. Eventually, as they peeked over the ridge, there, not fifty feet away from them, was a magnificent stag. They watched for several magical minutes before John signalled to withdraw, which they did as carefully as their approach. John put his finger to his lips.
Ximene was dumbfounded, this obviously was part of his expertise, ‘How did you do that?’ she demanded. ‘You have never been here before.’
John smiled. ‘Deer are creatures of habit. I read the trails. I now can offer the Prince some sensible advice.’
‘And me?’
‘Certainly, if you want it.’
They rode on, but Ximene pulled up several times as she continued to help John settle into the different riding position.
‘I do not find it easy, Ximene. It is totally different from riding a pool horse. Helios is following Selene instinctively, every twist and turn, as if to let me know he still sees you as his mistress.’ John was sweating with the effort he was putting into controlling Helios.
Ximene was quite distracted by watching his progress. However slowly, he improved. Slowly, Helios was allowing him to take charge. Now each time they stopped both horses reared in protest at coming to a halt. Helios and Selene, twin horses behaving in an identical way, made their riders also seem incredibly alike.
Ximene was suddenly impressed. John wanted to be moulded. He was listening to everything she told him. But what exactly did she want this man to be?
Despite the numerous stops it only took only thirty minutes to come in sight of Beaufort. Ximene pointed to the slender pillar of white stone. ‘Beaufort. You have been there I think?’
‘Of course. It is where I met your grandmother. Why is it important now?’
‘If you look,’ she said, ‘you will see their normal flag flying—the lion rampant. Payne de Roet, the constable, is helping in my escape attempt. When a white flag flies, it will mean that Don Fernandino, the man who will guide us to Sicily, has arrived.’
John lifted himself in the saddle and gazed around in every direction. ‘Not a soul in sight. We are totally alone.’
A sudden panic filled Ximene. She remembered her grandmother’s words. ‘He will try to own you.’
‘There are no guards. No one to watch us. We could ride to Beaufort now and hide there until this Don Fernandino arrives. No one would know. We could hide there in complete safety.’
Ximene was both surprised and disappointed. They were entirely alone and all he could think of were the practicalities of helping her escape. On the other hand, there had been all the complicated planning, tactics for the hunt and passwords, yet John had come up with a simple, elegant solution.
‘No, not now. The Comte would search the countryside and make it very difficult to escape south or east.’
John screwed up his face. ‘Explain to me why you want to go to Sicily. What is wrong with Bordeaux? We could be out of the Comte’s reach by nightfall if we rode west.’
Ximene realised that John was still representing the Prince’s interests. He was still part of the three-way struggle for control. Good! No more than she would expect.
Now she had to turn him to her point of view. ‘No, John, if you stay with me you must accept I will not go to Bordeaux. Every mile we rode to the west would bring me further under the Prince’s influence; ultimately, his control. We must not make our move until Don Fernandino arrives. But then, John, we should do exactly as you have suggested. I can’t imagine why I did not think of it myself. I must tell grandmother about it.’
John reached out and grabbed her reins, preventing her from moving off. ‘No, tell nobody. I am now responsible for your safety. You and I are the only people who know of this change. If we tell even one other person, we will have lost control. You will tell no one else; not your grandmother, not the Prince. I will not tell the Prince, the Earl, or Piers. None of them needs to know. Come on, I will race you back to the camp before we are missed. We don’t want anyone worrying about your absence.’
He wheeled Helios around and raced away, settling into a low crouch—his head over the horse’s neck. Ximene gave Selene her head as she raced after him. She realised he looked so comfortable and totally in charge of a horse who for most people could be difficult to control.
She was all too aware that in this short ride everything had changed, Was this what her grandmother had warned her against? A man who wanted control? Or was this indeed the man she had been looking for?
She shook her head. There was no point in worrying about it, he had assumed power over her. She was surprised to find she was not displeased. If anything she enjoyed the sensation. She had started this relationship, whatever that meant, because she felt the relationship would be advantageous to her. Now, suddenly, it was rather more than that.