78 — The Ambush

Gerade Moissons 24 October 1355

Gerade was very pleased with himself. He had not complied with Du Guesclin’s instructions. He had reasoned that if the fugitives were at Château Mazerou and he raided St Feriole looking for the doctor, the inhabitants of the Château might learn about it and flee.

He had persuaded the members of the Bishop’s force to leave the foot soldiers needed to surround the village in a camp below Rennes le Château and in the guise of a hunting party, investigate the Château Mazerou first. The bishop himself had led the force and his credentials had meant that they had no difficulty gaining entry to the Château. They had, of course, found nothing. 

Gerade was still unsure and although the main party retired to St Feriole, he kept a small number of people with him to secretly watch the Château for the rest of the day.

He had looked quickly at the stables to north and seen nothing of interest. However he did see signs of traffic on the river bank. He set up his personal survaillance behind dense shrubs from which the path through the trees could be observed. He knew he had found his prey when Ximene’s head whipped round at the sound of her name.
‘ Not a good day for you Milady, it is now just a question of how much the Compte de Foix or the Black Prince will pay to recover you, and if they are not interested, then how you will die. I have no pity for you. Many men have died and many are still dying simply because of you’
Conditioned by his life as a Routier, it seemed totally appropriate that he took advantage of the situation. He would enjoy raping this girl who had causing so much trouble. 

The most dangerous woman in the world

The Treasure of Trencavel

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