
Other Places

One of the great frustrations of the various governors of Aquitaine. Potentially a great port, but with an entrance which is, even today, extremely dangerous.

A Natural Wonder

A Dangerous Passage

The Atlantic surf rolls in continuously and some days reaches fearsome proportions.


Worse still, the channels in the estuary change from month to month, only those with local knowledge can navigate it with any confidence. Once within the entrance, however the Bay is close to paradise.

Summer Delights

As Arcachon is on the coast and near to the mouth of the bay, for over a hundred years it has been a most popular holiday destination. A little further inland  is the larger settlement  of La Test de Buch the main town of La Pays de Buch and in the 14th century the home of the Captal de Buch.

The most dangerous woman in the world

The Treasure of Trencavel

List of Characters

Table Of Contents



List of Places

Table of Contents

Pseudo History
