
Underlying Events

The Adventures of Ximene Trencavel.

What are the facts behind the stories about Ximene?

All the backround events, including the main events of John Stanley’s amazing life, are taken from mainstream history.

The women who came to positions of power and influence in 14th century England; Pipa de Roet,Catherine de Roet, Constance De Pedilla (Constance of Castile), Isabella de Pedilla (Isabella Perez), Alyse de Pedilla, (Alyse Perrers) and Joan of Kent are also drawn from the pages of history.

The fictional part is Ximene herself and her lifelong love affair with John Stanley.

However my conclusion that Alyse Perrers is a third sister of Constance and Isabella Perez is also problematic.

In the timelines given here I have interspaced real events with the major milestones in Ximene’s life. Just keep reminding yourself, as I have to, that she is a fictional character.

The most dangerous woman in the world

The Treasure of Trencavel

List of Characters

Table Of Contents



List of Places

Table of Contents

Pseudo History

