Born Again Cathars

The conversations were informal in the extreme and everyone I spoke to had different opinions. I made notes only of opinions which were commonly held.
There seems to be general agreement that the Cathars internally referred to themselves as “Les Bonnes Gens”, the good people.
I found much enthusiasm for a return to Catharism, with the occasional suggestion that it was still the underlying faith in Occitan. This enthusiasm was not supported by any consideration, regard for, or analysis of, what the implications of a return to Catharism might be.
The Name
I encountered an innocent view of the faith as a different and possibly better formula for governing human relationships.I was guided to fragments of documents which supported the beliefs which flowed so readily in casual conversation. Across dozens of references and discussions which there were recurring themes but little of this oral tradition has made it into into mainstream print.
As an example the people I talked to were happy to accept the term “Cathars” as the name of the religion. They gave me the source:-
Greek katharsis, from kathairein ‘cleanse,’ from katharos ‘pure.’
Catharsis, the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
Mainstream history insists however that the name is invented by enemies and is derived from the medieval german word for cat. It is said to be a reference to the belief that during Cathar ceremonies attendees kissed the backside of a cat.
The Good Man

In view of the tile of choice as “les bonnes hommes” the description of Jesus as a good man may simply mean therefore that he shared their faith. In any case Jesus was not here to save us but to give us a message.
The reason Jesus message was highly regarded was because he was not a carpenter but a famous person. Why he was famous is more elusive but the conclusion is that whatever he preached was from the very beginning promoted by the Roman state.
The illusion

Cathars believed Jesus’ death and cruxifiction was “an illusion” though once again the definition of what “illusion” is imprecise. One interpretion of illusion is that Jesus survived the cruxifiction but another is that the whole story of Jesus is a fabrication, a story told to convey the message and bears no relation to the real man.
Earlier faiths

There was however the bad god to contend with and the bad god was the Egyptian God, Set who was one and the same as the Jewish god YHWH( Jehovah)
Jesus message was based on earlier teachings, possibly an amalgamation of several different faiths such as the Egyptian worship of Isis.

The sacraments

This included the sacraments themselves, the building of expensive churches the wearing of expensive vestments and jewellery and the hedonistic lifestyle of the clergy.
The Gift

Therefore there was no sin in sexual pleasure however it might be obtained. This was readily championed by the men and women I met but under mild questioning most admitted it was “perhaps not for me”

These relationships are entirely honourable but are usually conducted in a discreet manner. However within a single household there could be multiple relationships.
There were huge differences in interpretation of sexual morality amongst the people I talked to, ranging from the Cathars believing that all sexual content was evil to a belief that the pleasure of sex was a gift from god to show what the eventual union with him might be like and that therefore there was no sin in sexual pleasure,howeverit might be obtained. I have mede this latter issue an evolving problem for Ximene.

Thus a child would inherit quite independently from mother and father. A woman would know without doubt who her children were but a man had to claim children, at birth. An unclaimed child inherited only from the mother. As the number of children was small this created few problems even where landholdings were concerned.
These sources of information can hardly be regarded as reliable. I am aware that, in terms of normal scholarship, this information is virtually worthless. It is all opinion, often emotionally charged opinion but nothing more. It is fair to say however the same criticsm could be levelled at many champions of mainstream christianity.
However the notes above were taken before 2008 and it interesting to note that this oral tradition stands up very well in the face of much research I have carried out since then.