The Rivers
It gets even more incredible. There is always a possibility that man made structures can be manipulated to comply with a known pattern. However, in Africa there are multiple points, the sources of the great rivers, a totally natural phenomenon which form a single alignment. An alignment which passes through Persepolis! This means that a complete water shed though the african continent is aligned with Persepolis.
If the line though Peshawar is extended, it passes through the source and the mouth of the Yangtze.
The Virgin of Santiago
If this same line is followed west it it is found that the virgin of Santiago is directly on the line.
Here is a second view of the Virgin with the city of Santiago in the background.If this same line is followed west it it is found that the virgin of Santiago is directly on the line.
If the line through Warsaw is followed east it once again traverses the United States but this time the east coast passing close to New York, Philadelphia and Washington.