The Cathars considered themselves to be the true followers of Jesus but that did not mean they were Christians. Not in the accepted sense anyway. There is nothing new in the material The whole of this segment on alternative testaments represents an attempt to get an understanding of what the Cathars might have believed.
To revisit the topic of alternate theology; in reading about the Cathars two phases caught my eye; “Jesus is not god but a most remarkable man”and “The cruxifiction was an illusion”.
I am not the only person to have picked up on these phrases. Other writers have however, tried to turn these statements into another theological mystery, searching for an extended definition of the nature of god and his relationship with Jesus Christ.
I have taken a different route. I have challenged myself to search for scenarios which would enable these statements to be taken literally.
A remarkable man takes part in a illusion which makes it seem that he had died. Why would he have done this, how could it be stage managed and perhaps most importantly who was he?
The Last Pharoh

Da Vinci Code

Holy Blood, Holy Grail

That extraction lead to a court case over claims of breach of copyright.
Bloodline of the Holy Grail

It must be stressed however that these discussions have been taking place in both learned and popular gatherings since the time of Jesus. Geneologies showing descent from Jesus are hidden away in royal libraries throughout Europe.
Firmly held Belief

The Golden Bough

On the surface it was a learned comparison between mythological and religious beliefs. The reason it was hated by devout christians was that it proposed (perhaps gently suggested) that Christianity might be based on earlier “Pagan” not the commonly accepted “Jewish”traditions and beliefs.
The White Goddess

“Sir James Frazer was able to keep his beautiful rooms at Trinity College, Cambridge, until his death by carefully and methodically sailing all around his dangerous subject, as if charting the coastline of a forbidden island without actually committing himself to a declaration that it existed. What he was saying-not-saying was that Christian legend, dogma and ritual are the refinement of a great body of primitive and even barbarous beliefs, and that almost the only original element in Christianity is the personality of Jesus.”
Graves book,”The White Goddess” cut across conventional Christian beliefs. In his view the worship of the male dominated god of Judaism displaced a more sympathetic goddess worship, with detrimental results for the human race. He found echoes of the belief in the white goddess in the greek myths and early celtic writing.
The Masks of God

Because of his association with the story structure of the “Star Wars” movies, Campbell is best remembered for his ” The Hero with a Thousand Faces”. which outlines the Hero’s Jouney. He was however essentially an academic, whose magnum opus was ” The Masks of God” which proposes that all religions are the same, it is only the presentation which differs.
Claudius and Jesus

His better known works; “I Claudius” and “Claudius the God” were produced in the early 1930’s The implications of his thinking was not obvious but his notes indicate that he was already working on “King Jesus” which was not published until 1946 and “The White Goddess” (1948). The books were concurrent in Graves mind and in fact he worked on the “White Goddess” first.
King Jesus

Graves concluded that Jesus was the product of a liason between Antipater, King Herod of Judea’s son and Miriam a temple virgin. Graves hypothosis is that what made Jesus unique was his brilliant mind; so brilliant that he antagonised every petty bureaucrat, every inadequate priest and every unimaginative revolutionary. He explains the events leading up to the crucifixion, and Jesus reactions are explained as typical of how an outstanding person, unable to fulfil his mission, might behave. It has been praised as a book of insight and scholarship.
However the “Time Life’ review of Sept 30th 1946 says “Many a reader may conclude that this book is a work of fundamental perversity. The perversity may not be conscious, but in a writer of Graves’s intelligence that is unlikely. The historical commentary he appends contains signs of defensiveness unusual in a writer as bland as Graves—e.g., “I write without any wish to offend orthodox Catholics. . . .” The author cannot have much doubt that he, or at least Agabus the Decapolitan, is going to be taken apart by readers to whom Christ is much more than a subject for a cleverly contrived novel.”
A “Historical Commentary” published at the end of the book, Robert Graves remarks, concerning the books historical basis, “A detailed commentary written to justify the unorthodox views contained in this book would be two or three times as long as the book itself, and would take years to complete; I beg to be excused the task …[but]…I undertake to my readers that every important element in my story is based on some tradition, however tenuous, and that I have taken more than ordinary pains to verify my historical background”
The Piso family

It would be impossible to say any of the findings of these various writers were right or wrong.
It is certainly appealing to assume Jesus never existed; that everything we know about him was just invented. Nevertheless the Cathars and therefore Ximene believed he did exist, Again the questions must be asked. Why would a remarkable many take part in an illusion which made it appear he had died and perhaps most importantly, who was he?