The Egyptian rulers, in a genocidal action ordered the execution of all male Hyskos. In retribution the Hyskos called on Set, who they now regarded as the only God, to punish the Egyptians. They now referred to Set as YHWH, in more modern times perhaps Jehovah, to keep his identity a secret. According to the Old Testament, he obliged with a series of plagues which ravaged the Egyptian nation and from which the Egyptian rulers themselves were not exempt. It is an event surrounded by mystery and legend.
The Old Testament tells us that the person who led the Hebrews out of Egypt was a a crown prince of Egypt and a commander of the Egyptian armies whose name was Moses. Centered on various calculations of when the Hyskos finally left Egypt, it is possible the biblical Moses could be Ramose or Amenmose, brothers, sons or nephews of the female Pharaoh Hatshepusat. Jewish tradition identifies Moses as a Hebrew. In truth we have no precise idea who Moses was.
The Bullrushes

Female Leaders
The leader of the Hyskos at this vital juncture, until Moses took control, was possibly also a female, (because all the male children in the previous generation had been eliminated?). Nevertheless in the eyes of the Hyskos/Hebrews their oppressor was female and their leader who failed them was also a woman! This was probably the basis for the subsequent Jewish discrimination against women, the result of an accumulation of circumstances 3500 years ago! In Egypt, after the period in which the Exodus is thought to have occurred, the remnants of the Hyskos, retained adherence to Set. In the rest of Egypt the dominance of Isis was undiminished. Core Egyptian beliefs continued to encourage the equality of women.
This may have been the event which gave rise a belief in a struggle between good and bad gods competing for the hearts and minds of the human race
Exit Moses

Priests and Kings

Moses ? He married a Kushite Princess and his descendants ultimately came to power as Pharohs of Egypt! He almost certainly was an Egyptian Prince!