Catharism is a dualist belief. Dualism holds that the power behind the universe takes two forms, good; peaceful, calm and unchanging or evil; warlike,violent vengeful and volatile.
When the Isrealites "came out" of Eqypt ( the Exodus) they worshipped Set and brought that worship with them. According to the Jewish beliefs Set created the Physical Universe and all the living creatures within that universe.
Yes, Set is one and the same as "Jehovah", "Yahweh", "YHWH" , "Elohim" or "Adonai" of the Jewish testament, alternatively "God the father" of the testament of the Roman Church.
The prayer to Set called "Our Father' is an unacceptable chant of praise for the wickedness of the material world.
The Church of Rome is an agent of the devil. It must be because their God is the God of the old testament, the God of the Jews. Their God is actually Set, the Egyptian god of conflict and chaos. The Jews started to worship Set when they were in Egypt and continued to worship him when they left. The prayer to Set called “Our Father’ is an unacceptable chant of praise for the wickedness of the material world.
Bad God
Catharism is a dualist belief. Dualism holds that the power behind the universe takes two forms, good; peaceful, calm and unchanging or evil; warlike,violent vengeful and volatile. When the Isrealites “came out” of Eqypt ( the Exodus) they worshipped Set and took that worship with them. According to the Jewish beliefs Set created the Physical Universe and all the living creatures within that universe. Yes, Set is one and the same as “Jehovah”, “Yahweh”, “YHWH” , “Elohim” or “Adonai” of the Jewish testament, alternatively “God the father” of the testament of the Roman Church.
Because the Cathars believe that the material world is Hell and we are all struggling to escape, their motivation is different. They try to lead good lives for the reward of eternal pleasure and peace. The Church of Rome in contrast uses the threat of eternal damnation as it's chief source of motivation.
Cathars believe that there are two Gods; one Evil, one Good. They are pure spirits in eternal conflict with each other. The universe was created by the Bad God. Therefore the material world , Set’s creation, is hell itself. This is why there are so many natural disasters, why good people have poor health or dreadful accidents why there is so much suffering. However at the end of time the Good God will eventually triumph.Because the Cathars believe that the material world is Hell and we are all struggling to escape, their motivation is different. They try to lead good lives for the reward of eternal pleasure and peace. The Church of Rome in contrast uses the threat of eternal damnation as it’s chief source of motivation.
Good God
Set's enemy was the Goddess Isis, part of the same genesis but the champion of everything good. She is the Good God. The human objective ought to be to achieve reunion with the Good God.Set’s enemy was the Goddess Isis, part of the same genesis but the champion of everything good. She is the Good God. We do not need an image however as the Good God is the power behind the universe, pure energy. The is a little bit of the good god in all of us, trapped here in this evil material world. The human objective ought to be to achieve reunion with the Good God.
If Set is the Devil then the good god may be a combination of Isis and Horus, the ancient Egyptian god's who were Set's enemies. Isis was not just a goddess, She was the godhead and the mother of all life. The Chi Rho symbol is associated with Horus who was known as Chrestus. Isis was not just a goddess, She was the godhead and the mother of all life. The Chi Rho symbol is associated with Horus who was known as Chrestus.
Cathar Symbology
Both Zorastrianism (Persia) is another early dualist faiths. In Persia the good god was known as Mazda and was pesonified as the everlasting Flame. The bad god was Angra (or Ahriman).
In the eyes of Cathars there was no difference between Isis and Mazda. They recognised the differences for what they are, different attempts by different peoples to visualise the good god.
Both Zorastrianism (Persia) is another early dualist faiths. In Persia the good god was known as Mazda and was pesonified as the everlasting Flame. The bad god was Angra (or Ahriman).
In the eyes of Cathars there was no difference between Isis and Mazda. They recognised the differences for what they are, different attempts by different peoples to visualise the good god.
Sol Invictus
Sol Invictus is yet another attempt to identify with the Good God and is equally acceptable.
Sol Invictus was recognised in different ways by different peoples. The Mithratic god of the Sun ,Bel god of Babylon and Ra god of Egypt were all representations of Sol Invictus. What the Labarum of constantine actually depicted was the symbolic unification of all the anciet religions in a recognition of them really being the same god. On his death bed Constantine recieved the Cathar Consolumentum not a Church of Rome Baptism, which was a sacrament inverted by the Church of Rome much later.
Sol Invictus is yet another attempt to identify with the Good God and is equally acceptable.
Sol Invictus was recognised in different ways by different peoples. The Mithratic god of the Sun ,Bel god of Babylon and Ra god of Egypt were all representations of Sol Invictus. What the Labarum of constantine actually depicted was the symbolic unification of all the anciet religions in a recognition of them really being the same god. On his death bed Constantine recieved the Cathar Consolumentum not a Church of Rome Baptism, which was a sacrament inverted by the Church of Rome much later.
Perfect Peace
Cathars, however prefer to describe their god God is pure energy, purely spiritual. In the beginning all was peace and pleasure but the devil interfered to cause the creation of the physical universe.Cathars, however prefer to describe their god God is pure energy, purely spiritual. In the beginning all was peace and pleasure but the devil interfered to cause the creation of the physical universe.