Peace will Prevail
The Cathars believe that in the beginning there was peace and in the end there will be peace and we will all be part of it. The Good god will triumph and the evil material world will cease to exist. This is not something to fear for then we will al be reunited with the good god. It is the thrust for material advantage which introduces the most evil into the world. It is the struggle to gain an advantage over others whether at the personal, local or national level which produces misery, even for those who succeed.
The Good God is in continual conflict with the Bad God. The bad god created the material world out of love for material possessions and a yearning for power. However in the act of creation the pure spirit of the Good God was trapped everywhere. Life is so difficult and there is so much wickedness and tragedy because of the evil nature of the material world. The material world is Hell and our major priority should be to escape and to enjoy reunion with the Good God . The spirit within us feels suffering and injustice and in turn The Good God feels the suffering of us all. Isis accepts this suffering to help us persevere escape from hell and find Eternal peace and happiness.Cathars believe that in the beginning there was peace and in the end there will be peace and we will all be part of it. The Good god will triumph and the evil material world will cease to exist. This is not something to fear for then we will all be reunited with the good god. It is the thrust for material advantage which introduces the most evil into the world. It is the struggle to gain an advantage over others whether at the personal, local or national level which produces misery, even for those who succeed.
Modern physics
Since the turn of the 20th century it has been realised that the Cathar belief in the gradual decay of an imperfect material world and a reunification with a pure spirit is, with some interpretation, supported by modern physics.
Authors note:-
I cannot put this in "pesudo history" because this is entirely in accord with current scientific thinking. See sub page.Since the turn of the 21st century it has been realised that the Cathar belief in the gradual decay of an imperfect material world and a reunification with a pure spirit is, with some interpretation, supported by modern physics.
See “energy and enthalpy” for an expansion of this topic.
No golden age
There was no golden age The material world has been evil since the moment of creation.
There was no golden age The material world has been evil since the moment of creation.
However there was no fall either. The “fall” was the devil’s creation of the material world and the trapping of the good god’s spirit within that world. we have nothing to repent there was no original sin.
Temptation and Pain
There are however many temptations. The material world has been structured by the devil to distract us from a desire for Union with the Good God and into a pre-occupation with material gain, and through that worship of the Devil.The Good God is in continual conflict with the Bad God. The bad god created the material world out of love for material possessions and a yearning for power. However in the act of creation the pure spirit of the Good God was trapped everywhere. Life is so difficult and there is so much wickedness and tragedy because of the evil nature of the material world. There are however many temptations. The material world has been structured by the devil to distract us from a desire for Union with the Good God and into a pre-occupation with material gain, and through that worship of the Devil.
Hell on Earth
The material world is Hell and our major priority should be to escape and to enjoy reunion with the Good God . The spirit within us feels suffering and injustice and in turn The Good God feels the suffering of us all. Isis accepts this suffering to help us persevere escape from hell and find Eternal peace and happiness,