The VisigothicTreasure
Family Responsibilities

However I arrived back in Australia to a crisis. My mother was by then 94 and her health was beginning to deteriorate. She pleaded with me not to “leave her” again and I acceeded to that request. My mother will be 100 years of age in August 2014. In the meantime, I have taken a course in creative writing and editing, written two books and created this web site.

I did mention earlier that Bugarach is the “upside-down” mountain where the upper structure is older than the lower structure.
Some of the doomsday prophets choose Bugarach was as being the one place likely to survive and that there was a hidden “garage for UFO’s” hidden in the mountain. This picture was taken earlier in the year and is supported by a video taken by a group of Spanish climbers. There is supposed to be a second independent video from a totally different group of French climbers, but I have not been able to find it. I have watched this video many times and the Saucer does indeed seem to come “out” of the mountain. If it is a fake it is a very good one.

20,000 people climbed to the top of Bugarach.
The French government sent para- military police to seal off both the mountain and the village. During the reporting of these events it was often claimed that Bugarach lies on the Paris Meridien (or Meridiene Verte) which of course it doesn’t.

They found nothing and December 21 passed without event.
My librarian friend did not enjoy all of this. The village was overrun for several months and in December she had people camping uninvited in her garden.
The Photographers Ephemeris

TPE is an application which predicts the sun’s angle at any time of the day on any day of the year, and displays the results graphically. It’s general purpose is to avoid long tips to remote locations only to find the lighting conditions unfavourable on arrival or to search for optimum conditions in a specific location without having to travel there until the day of the shoot. Knowledge that it worked effectively in exactly the area I was interested in meant that I must try it. I decided to check some of my key directions (and a couple of additional ones) using this tool.

The Summer Solstice

It is slightly disappointing. The angle given is 56.2 not 56 (33.8 north of east not 34 north of east).

Examination of the days before and after the solstice shows that 56.2 is the smallest angle. A couple of days both before and after shows that the angle increases to 54.3 in both directions. When this occurs the line moves away from not towards the apple tree.

The Winter Solstice


At Carcassonne, only a little to the north, the last place the treasure was seen, the summer solstice angle is indeed 56 (34 degrees north of east) and as we have just seen this line does in fact run through the apple tree. Am I concerned about such a small discrepancy? Yes. There was a very high knowledge of astronomy as far back as Stonehenge. However at some time perhaps the reference point for this whole area was Carcassonne, If so then 34 degrees could well have been taken as the correct value.

Why Christmas is Special
So what is special; about the 25th of December. Not surely that the Church of Rome decided that should be nominated as Christ’s birthday, but rather the underlying reason, why they made that decision. In fact, we have more direct knowledge about the winter solstice, than the summer solstice, because of the juxtaposition of Christmas It turns this juxtaposition is very is very relevant to the selection of the base date for the solstice.
First of all it is necessary to acknowledge that solstices are influenced by the rotation of the earth and various peculiarities in that rotation. The inaccuracy of many of the calendars over the last 2500 years have resulted in continual “drift” of the dates we use as “names” for the day of the solstice.
In the west, two calendars have been used to get a better long term match with these celestial events; the Julian and the Gregorian calendars. Any consideration is complicated by the fact that the solstice is not always on the 21st or 22nd of December. It can occur anywhere between the 20th and the 23rd. The two outer dates are relatively uncommon. The last occurrence of a solstice on the 23rd was 1903 and the next occurrence of a solstice on the 20th will be 2080.
However it is important to note that the angles of the solstace do not vary regardless of the calendar date on which the solstace occurs. At Brenac, the angles of the two solstices are always 122 and 56.2.
From this it can be seen that the calendars and therefore dates we use do not affect the celestial events which determine the point in time of each successive solstice.
Nevertheless The Julian Calendar in it’s foundation year of 46 BC, was specifically designed to set the winter solstice on the 25th December. Why?

If, as shown in this diagram, December 21 in the Gregorian calendar is taken as the base, then on the date the Julian calendar replaced the old Roman calendar (46 BC) the Gregorian 21st was “called” December 23rd.
For the Romans the Julian calendar itself represented an undesirable break with tradition. If we go far enough back (BC 300 Has been chosen here) shows that in that year the 21st in the Gregorian calendar equates to 25th in the Julian Calendar.(This assume that the Julian calendar is also extrapolated backwards from the date it was created in 46 BC.) However in 46BC the gregorian 21st equated to the Julian 23rd.
This is significant because in the early days of Roman expansion a long term tradition was established in Rome that the winter solstice (known as the Bruma) co-incided with December 25th.
In fact in the old Roman calendar, before 46BC, which was only a coarse approximation to the physical year, was manipulated continually by the priests. Days were inserted or removed as they saw fit, to ensure that the Bruma always occurred on the 25th of December.
What was in any case a sacred day was claimed by many the adherents of many god’s, from Attis to Mithras to Sol Invictus as their feast or Birthday. Long before the christian era the winter solstice the shortest day, on the 25th December represented death and resurrection.
The Julian calendar regularised all this and put a stop to the yearly adjustments but was not accurate enough. It gave the desired result in the year it was introduced but by the year 1000 the Julian “name” of the time of the solstice was somewhere between the 16th and the 19th of December depending on the year. People would have become aware the something was not right!
Julian and Gregorian

Over the next 200 years if the Julian calendar is compared with the backward projection of the Gregorian calendar it can be seen that the Name “December 25th” was the same in both calendars in AD 200 but in fact this was no longer the Bruma. (There has never actually been a Bruma on the Gregorian date of the 25th of December.
In the Visigothic world, specifically in Carcassonne, it is possible they would have known that the winter solstice (did they still call it the Bruma?) was supposed to be on December the 25th but would have realised the calendar was leading them astray.
However the results given in TPE are Gregorian dates and there was no knowledge of Gregorian dates before 1592 . Therefore for the TPE readings for 25th of December to have any significance they must have been picked up and used by someone with knowledge of the Gregorian calender but with sufficient ignorance to believe in the tradition that December 25th was the Winter solstace.
Therefore the solstice clue and the angle of 66 degrees must have been created at time after 1592, emphatically not the Visigothic era.

It must be stressed however that that these are the “same” lines which emerged from the construction of the “navigation solution” and the pentacles which emerged from that study. So the two targets may well have been selected during Visigothic times using derivatives of the navigation solution. All the later “clues” were simply attempts to identify the targets in a way that only initiates would be likely to discover.
Midday and Sunset

This screenshot shows not only the sun and moon lines at Poissons tomb but also the line of the sun at midday.

With all this information it would not be difficult to find the target. What, of course, is not known, until geophyisical equipment is taken to site is wether there is any treasure there!