
A quick intro to your book / series would be…

A quintessential romance. Boy meets girl, they fall in love… Or do they?

Their relationship is endlessly complicated by the understory, which is a clash of cultures.

In the world they live nationalism is replacing chivalry:

The Church of Rome is persecuting Cathars.

The Cathars champion sexual liberality in contrast to Church’s doctrine of sexual suppression.

The Church uses male dominance to control female emancipation, whereas the Cathar faith champions it.

John and Ximene must circumnavigate these difficulties, which means that their story is far from straightforward. They both have drive and ambition so they cannot pretend the difficulties do not exist.

Their biggest challenge is to find a way in which they can fall in love, preferably with each other.

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The most dangerous woman in the world

The Treasure of Trencavel

List of Characters

Table Of Contents



List of Places

Table of Contents

Pseudo History
